Wisbech Wheelers smash old record
The Wisbech Wheelers team record for 25 miles tumbled this weekend with a new mark of 2-43.52 for the combined times of three riders.
The event was run on Saturday, near Newmarket, by the East District Veterans Time Trial Association which allows non-vets to ride in the open races although preference is given to veteran members.
But what made the record remarkable is that third position of the trio is shared by a woman and a 70-year-old man.
First of the three was top Wisbech triathlete Mat McClure, who recorded an excellent 52.13, which was a personal best.
Second counter was the ever-improving Jon Talbot (40+) with 54.53 also a PB, and third spot was shared by 40+ lady vet, Becky Murley along with 70+ Roger Sewell on 56.46 for both riders.
Mat McClure’s dad Doug was just out of the running with 57.30.
Tuesday, April 17, Club 10: M. McClure 21.49, M. Webster (road bike) 22.27, A. Ward (50+) 23.54, C. Murley (50+) 24.47, R. Sewell (70+) 25.25, J. Bates (50+) 25.33.
Weds, April 18, KLCC club 10: J. Talbot (40+) 22.59, D. Halahan (60+ Lady) 33.23.
Sat, April 21, Notts VTTA open 10: B. Murley (40+ Lady) 23.29, R. Sewell (70+) 23.31, C. Murley (50+) 23.51.
Breckland Open 10: A. Bye (60+) 26.55, D. Hallahan (60+ Lady) 33.01
Wed, April 25, KLCC club10all vets (60+): J. Bates 24.45, P. Willis 26.03, D. Hallahan (lady) 34.50.
Sat, April 28, VTTA East Dist Open 25: M. McClure 52.13, J. Talbot (40+) 54.53, B. Murley (40+ lady) 56.46, R. Sewell (70+) 56.46, D. McClure (40+) 57.30, A. Bye (60+) 1.04.51.