
Steve Barclay apologises for not declaring interest in Wisbech incinerator

By: Lucy Carter

Published: 10:33, 28 March 2024

An MP has apologised after not properly declaring an interest in the planned Wisbech incinerator when questioned about it.

Steve Barclay has refused to say whether he abused his position when he tried to stop the incinerator being built.

It has been reported in the national media that Mr Barclay opposed plans for the waste plant that would burn non-recyclable waste to generate energy- but that opposition should have been approved by a body he oversees.

MPs have written to Environment Secretary Steve Barclay expressing concerns about the new post-Brexit regime. Photo: PA
MPs have written to Environment Secretary Steve Barclay expressing concerns about the new post-Brexit regime. Photo: PA

The BBC reported that civil servants raised concerns about Environment Secretary Mr Barclay’s relationship to the case, which caused further discussions and the secretary of state agreeing to give that decision to another minister, Mark Spencer.

When asked about this at the environment, food and rural affairs committee, Mr Barclay did not disclose whether he had discussed the matter with the energy department or Number 10.


Previously speaking to the Fenland Citizen, Mr Barlcay said he would do “everything possible” to fight the incinerator decision which was approved by the Government back in February.

Lead inspector Andre Pinto carried out an accompanied site inspection of places of interest connected to the proposed Wisbech mega-incinerator. Photos: Garry Monger/WisWIN.
Lead inspector Andre Pinto carried out an accompanied site inspection of places of interest connected to the proposed Wisbech mega-incinerator. Photos: Garry Monger/WisWIN.

The controversial MMV Medworth proposals were given the green light by Claire Coutinho, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Fenland District Council has not given up fighting yet as it has since said it will be seeking legal advice to challenge the incinerator decision.

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